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Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
This will split the stickies from the current thread body and place them in a separate table above.

Global footers.

<script type="text/Javascript">
// Sticky Splitter v1 by Chris
// Do not redistribute without permission of the creator

var sticky_images = [
// Edit the links below to the paths to your sticky images

// No need to edit below here
var is_img = function(ur){
for(var a=0;a<sticky_images.length;a++){
if(sticky_images[a] == ur) return true;
return false;

var aTD = document.getElementsByTagName("td");
if(location.href.match(/action\/view_board/) && !document.multi_manage){
var set = $('[width="3%"]:first-child').filter(function(){
return is_img($("img", this)[0].src);
if(set.length > 0){
set = set.parent()
var tabO = set[0].parentNode.parentNode;
var tab = tabO.cloneNode(true); = "15px";
$("tr", tab).filter(function(){
return this.rowIndex > 2 && this.rowIndex != this.parentNode.rows.length-1;
$(set).insertBefore($("tr:last-child", tab));

