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Benjamin Avatar
#YOCO... You only color once.

Elite Mod


November 2006
typing on my ipod so forgive any shitty grammar.

some of you might be wondering why my display name says i am [gone].

there are a lot of things that lead up to my absense, most i dont wish to share. however one contributing factor is the fact that i am very depressed about not seeing my girlfriend for three weeks. its been difficult to cope with her being gone, and i am thankful that she will be coming home in six days, sunday.

i feel like a failure with my life currently because i sit around all day doing jack shit. i dont fill requests here, i dont do projects that are assigned to me, i dont do things that make me happy. i just... sit. which is another reason why i am gone.

anyway, there are a lot of things i have to deal with, and hopefully facing them will help me in the end.

life likes to take you crazy places and im hanging on for the ride.

sorry ive been such a shitty staff member, talk to you all soon.

ps sorry if this makes absolutely no sense at all; its 3am and i had a sudden urge to post this.
Lucifer Avatar
I'm gonna start dishing out internet beatings if people keep it up with this 4chan shit, I swear.


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
Take care dude. Hopefully you'll popup on MSN at night a bit more so we can talk. :)
