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Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009

I know, i know, its quite bright for some (or all) of you, but i like colorfull, and bright tags, like this..
What i class as bright, is totally different to most, so this, to me, isnt ever so bright xD

All comments appreciated though...


mukei Avatar

Senior Member


July 2006
Well, I understand what you mean by you like bright colors, but brightening the entire tag doesn't help. In fact, in this case, all the brightening is doing is adding a huge shade of white over color, which is making its original color, and losing its blend with the rest of the colors. In addition, any amount of white used has increased and look like blobs of white which ultimately have no reason and are not making the colors look bright, but turning your flow and blending worse.

Secondly, there is seriously no constant flow here whatsoever, even without all the white going on. It's simply crazy and random. Many of the areas look a bit badly distorted or over-sharpened.

Your text stands out, but it doesn't blend in, considering you used white behind to make it stand out in this case.

Overall, this really isn't the best I've seen from you.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Firstly, thanks for commenting xD

Secondly, with most, if not all my tags, they have no flow, this is what makes my style of tag making different to others, and they still usually (imo) look good. Everyone seems to think ever tag needs to flow, but as i said, mine dont always, but yet they usually look good.

Thirdly, you make it sound like ive simply added a white layer and set it to a cerain blend mode, which, i havent done.
This tag is made up of a series of about 8 layers, each one has a bit of white on, with color, in dfferent places to the other, and other effects etc.

And lastly, the tag must look distorted, cos i didnt use sharpen on it, i never ever sharpen my images.

Oh and as for text, i really dont mind about that, since usually none of my text blends (looks good) well with my tags, so im used to everyone telling me how much my text sucks lol...


slip Avatar
Chris spoils me!

Senior Studio Member


April 2006
stinky its as purrrrrty as the others.

I especially love the brown shades thrown in all around. What I love most about all ur work is that I can never figure out the direction of light on the image - thats what - according to me -- makes this stuff "C'est magnifique". The blurs on the white too are very nice. Really like this.

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