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Benjamin Avatar
#YOCO... You only color once.

Elite Mod


November 2006
Since there isn't really :hover support on iPhones, when you select the "Home" or "My Studio" tab, it's impossible to click on a link from said tab's sub nav since those tabs are assigned a URL. (The sub nav shows up, but only for a brief second since the page reloads).

Therefore I propose the following change to those two tabs for iPhones/iTouches (only).

One tap/click on the tab shows the sub navigation. If the tab is selected, another tap/click will load the default URL assigned to the tab.

In other words, something like this.

if user agent contains "iPhone", "Mobile" and "Safari" //iPhone is in the iPod user agent
     home_tab.href = 'void(0)'
     home_tab.onclick: if(home_tab_selected == true) location.href = 'link'
                    else home_tab_selected = true
end if

... except in working javascript :P

Last Edit: Dec 29, 2008 8:23:48 GMT by Benjamin
Lucifer Avatar
I'm gonna start dishing out internet beatings if people keep it up with this 4chan shit, I swear.


Conor Avatar



July 2007
Benjamin Avatar
Since there isn't really :hover support on iPhones, when you select the "Home" or "My Studio" tab, it's impossible to click on a link from said tab's sub nav since those tabs are assigned a URL. (The sub nav shows up, but only for a brief second since the page reloads).

Therefore I propose the following change to those two tabs for iPhones/iTouches (only).

One tap/click on the tab shows the sub navigation. If the tab is selected, another tap/click will load the default URL assigned to the tab.

In other words, something like this.

if user agent contains "iPhone", "Mobile" and "Safari" //iPhone is in the iPod user agent
home_tab.href = 'void(0)'
home_tab.onclick: if(home_tab_selected == true) location.href = 'link'
else home_tab_selected = true
end if

... except in working javascript :P

I've noticed that too. I propose that you use the skin v2.1 It was all those features without the hover or the dropdown. :)


JD Avatar


June 2008
Yeah, same thing happens on my PDA - Nokia N810. Cool to have a fix though :D


Conor Avatar



July 2007
You'd think PDA's and iPod would know to do that...


Benjamin Avatar
#YOCO... You only color once.

Elite Mod


November 2006
Conor Avatar
I've noticed that too. I propose that you use the skin v2.1 It was all those features without the hover or the dropdown. :)

uhh, really? choosing a different skin doesnt mean the problem is fixed :P

and v2.1 isnt all the features of v2, its all the features of v1.

how would an iphone be able to hover over anything? putting your finger over a link clicks it. lol

-sent from my ipod touch-
Lucifer Avatar
I'm gonna start dishing out internet beatings if people keep it up with this 4chan shit, I swear.


Conor Avatar



July 2007
You could leave the finger over it.


Benjamin Avatar
#YOCO... You only color once.

Elite Mod


November 2006
Then it brings up the window which gives you three options - "Save Image", "Open Link" or "Cancel"

Lucifer Avatar
I'm gonna start dishing out internet beatings if people keep it up with this 4chan shit, I swear.


Conor Avatar



July 2007
Mine doesn't. Is your's 1G or 2G?


Simie Avatar



May 2006
Benjamin Avatar
Then it brings up the window which gives you three options - "Save Image", "Open Link" or "Cancel"


What happens if you press cancel? Do the links show? It might still trigger the hover event.


Benjamin Avatar
#YOCO... You only color once.

Elite Mod


November 2006
Conor Avatar
Mine doesn't. Is your's 1G or 2G?


- I was excited to try it... and then it didn't work. :'(

The easiest way is to click on the tab and then hit cancel to stop the page from refreshing, haha
Lucifer Avatar
I'm gonna start dishing out internet beatings if people keep it up with this 4chan shit, I swear.

Andrew McGivery

Andrew McGivery Avatar
Formerly Fredy

Legendary Studio Member


September 2005
I think the only thing that could be done is the original suggestion of having the nav slightly modified for the iphone/itouch.
