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Phrosic Avatar

New Member


March 2011
Hi, guys. I'm Phrosic, which is just a nonsense word that I created by rolling it around on my tongue. If you haven't guessed by now, I'm a writer....

And a roleplayer, which is more relevant. I've started I'd say a good four or five RP sites, a couple of which have actually been rather successful, but I've always been crippled by the inability to make a skin/code it/whatever. I suppose I made this account to A) see if I could learn how to do this stuff, B) to meet people, C) to hope that one of those people might be willing to aid my skin-bereft forum (it's still in development; starting it without a skin would be ... unnerving).

I'll say that I honestly know next to nothing. Years ago, I ran a moderately successful sprite comic (it was briefly on the same site as Ansem Retort, if any of you have ever read that), and in the process of that I picked up a few photoshop "tricks": but they were just that, tricks, and would be pretty much useless in making any sort of forum graphic or the like. But! I am here to learn. Open mind and all that.

Anyway, hope to meet lots of you, hope to learn lots. Or, failing that, find someone infinitely more skilled than I can ever hope to be who's willing to help out this visually-bereft buffoon.


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
Well, we'll gladly do our best to help you learn to design. :) Welcome to the Studio.


brianna Avatar

Official Member


December 2009
